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The Brainlab Companies

We are

The Brainlab Companies

We are

We’re the Brainlab companies, accelerating the digital transformation of healthcare, maximizing synergies by pioneering an open healthcare dataverse together.

We’re the Brainlab companies, accelerating the digital transformation of healthcare, maximizing synergies by pioneering an open healthcare dataverse together.

Our holistic data-driven ecosystem integrates medical devices, open platforms, data infrastructure and clinical education. Intelligent technologies allow us to enable personalized, automated and efficient treatments so that healthcare providers can prioritize sustainability while improving the lives of patients worldwide.

Our holistic data-driven ecosystem integrates medical devices, open platforms, data infrastructure and clinical education. Intelligent technologies allow us to enable personalized, automated and efficient treatments so that healthcare providers can prioritize sustainability while improving the lives of patients worldwide.

360° Patient Journey

We cooperate intensively on scalable concepts across the digital patient journey from diagnosis to therapy, powering each Brainlab company to increase their potential while sharpening their core competencies in their areas of expertise.

We cooperate intensively on scalable concepts across the digital patient journey from diagnosis to therapy, powering each Brainlab company to increase their potential while sharpening their core competencies in their areas of expertise.

Contributing to the
Brainlab companies data-driven ecosystem

We contribute to the Brainlab data-driven ecosystem with our secure, reliable and open operating system using AI, big data, cloud computing and machine learning.

We contribute to the Brainlab data-driven ecosystem by increasing access to standardized reports, radiological findings, and patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs).

We contribute to the Brainlab data-driven ecosystem with innovative imaging solutions, expanding access to best-in-class technologies that help deliver efficient therapies with optimal safety.

We contribute to the Brainlab data-driven ecosystem by delivering immersive and interactive medical education tools using proven video game mechanics that captivate clinicians right from the start.

We contribute to the Brainlab data-driven ecosystem with neuromonitoring solutions for a range of critical surgical interventions.

“We’re transforming the next era in patient care with the concerted and united goal to develop a data-driven ecosystem (healthcare dataverse) of the highest quality for providers and patients worldwide.”

“We’re transforming the next era in patient care with the concerted and united goal to develop a data-driven ecosystem (healthcare dataverse) of the highest quality for providers and patients worldwide.”

Stefan Vilsmeier
President, The Brainlab Companies

Stefan Vilsmeier, President, The Brainlab Companies
Rainer Birkenbach, Chief Technology Officer

“We’re driving innovation by integrating progressive technologies from each of the Brainlab companies and thereby expanding the digital patient journey from diagnosis to therapy.”

“We’re driving innovation by integrating progressive technologies from each of the Brainlab companies and thereby expanding the digital patient journey from diagnosis to therapy.”

Rainer Birkenbach
Chief Technology Officer

Rainer Birkenbach, Chief Technology Officer

“A key driver and success factor for the Brainlab companies moving forward will be to prioritize sustainability and to conserve resources using intelligent technologies.”

“A key driver and success factor for the Brainlab companies moving forward will be to prioritize sustainability and to conserve resources using intelligent technologies.”

Jan Merker
Chief Operating Officer

Jan Merker, Chief Operating Officer