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SGRT & Tattooless Treatment - How Radiotherapy Institute in Creil, France Is Improving Daily Clinical Routine with ExacTrac Dynamic Surface*

We were excited to sit down with Andres Huertas, MD, radiation oncologist, and Pierre-Alexandre Rigaud, medical physicist, both from the Radiotherapy Institute for the Sud Oise region in Creil, France. The Institute is part of Amethyst Radiotherapy Group. Dr. Huertas and Mr. Rigaud discuss with us the value of the latest radiotherapy techniques and technology […]

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Through thought-provoking articles, fresh industry perspectives and inspiring customer stories, the Journal is your source for the latest in medtech.

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A 30-Year Knee Story: From a Knee Replacement to Revision Surgery

This doctor-patient profile comes from Alexander Greenberg, MD, from Hadassah Medical Center. Dr. Greenberg outlines the importance of preoperative planning when performing knee revision surgery. Alexander Greenberg, MD, is an assistant professor of orthopedics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an attending surgeon at the joint replacement and reconstruction unit of the Hadassah Medical […]

Keeping Standards High – How Instituto Zunino stays on top of technology to offer the best patient care

We were delighted to sit down with Silvia Zunino, MD, PhD and Daniel Venencia, PhD of Instituto Zunino to discuss the topic of advances in cancer treatment and the ways in which the institution improves lives. Based in Córdoba, Argentina, a small city of around 2 million people, the institution welcomes patients from the surrounding […]

Restoring Mobility: How Preoperative Planning Impacts Patient Outcomes

Dr. Greenberg is currently an assistant professor of orthopedics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an attending surgeon at the joint replacement and reconstruction unit of the Hadassah Medical Center orthopedic complex. Dr. Greenberg received his MD from the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School in 2009 and completed his residency in orthopedic surgery at Hadassah […]

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Foods for Thought

It’s common knowledge that there are certain foods like fruits and vegetables that provide important nutrients to keep our bodies healthy, but did you know there are foods you can eat to support your brain health and function as well? At Brainlab we are dedicated to improving health, and we know that food is one […]

Elements Multiple Brain MetastasesInterview
SRS & SBRT - Insights from a Neurosurgeon

A conversation with Isabelle M. Germano, MD, MBA From an introduction to stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiotherapy, current standards and beyond, expert neurosurgeon, Isabelle M. Germano, MD, MBA dives into the details of this promising and precise treatment approach. Watch the full video Read the transcript below Joanne: I’m thrilled to be joined today […]

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Hip Revision Surgery – From Fracture to Success

According to a study [2] published in The Lancet, 3 to 4 percent of people who undergo a hip replacement may require revision surgery within 10 years. Revision surgery is often more complex and less predictable that a primary replacement. As such, specific measures are needed to streamline and improve the procedure to support optimized […]

Technology & the Treatment of Lung Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is by far the leading cause of cancer death. Each year, more people die of lung cancer than of colon, breast and prostate cancers combined [1]. We reached out to radiotherapist-oncologist Professor Mark de Ridder, MD, from UZ Brussels for his expertise and insights on lung cancer […]

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The Basics, Details & Future of Stereotactic Treatments - Insights from a Medical Physicist

We had the opportunity to interview Masayori Ishikawa, PhD, a Senior Medical Physicist at the Hokkaido University Hospital and professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University. Dr. Ishikawa has been a Novalis-accredited auditor since 2015. As an expert in the field of radiation therapy, Dr. Ishikawa shared his insights on the basics, details […]

7 Steps to Successful Orthopedic Planning

Over the last few decades, orthopedic preoperative planning has been widely adopted as a result of advancements in technology and the integration of digital tools. But, when looking at day-to-day planning routines, what are the basic rules of thumb for creating a preoperative plan that make a difference? 1. Carefully review and confirm imaging When […]

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