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SGRT & Tattooless Treatment - How Radiotherapy Institute in Creil, France Is Improving Daily Clinical Routine with ExacTrac Dynamic Surface*

We were excited to sit down with Andres Huertas, MD, radiation oncologist, and Pierre-Alexandre Rigaud, medical physicist, both from the Radiotherapy Institute for the Sud Oise region in Creil, France. The Institute is part of Amethyst Radiotherapy Group. Dr. Huertas and Mr. Rigaud discuss with us the value of the latest radiotherapy techniques and technology […]

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Through thought-provoking articles, fresh industry perspectives and inspiring customer stories, the Journal is your source for the latest in medtech.

Klinikum Grosshadern - Integrated Operating Room - IT Benjamin HaaskeCustomer Story
Benjamin Haaske, IT Systems Administrator | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Hospital

“Brainlab O.R. integration allows fast access to patient data and automatic pre-load of patient data and images each day in the O.R. We were able to very easily integrate Brainlab software into our own server infrastructure, allowing us to autonomously monitor and maintain our 32 new operating rooms.” About Ludwig-Maximilians-University Hospital – Großhadern Campus Two […]

Using Technology to Increase Surgical EfficiencyArticle
Using Technology to Increase Surgical Efficiency

An internet search of “increasing surgical efficiency” produces a plethora of articles and scholarly publications all recommending different ways to achieve this simple goal. Some recommend applying existing efficiency methodologies, like lean six sigma methodology, to increase productivity[1]. Others recommend redesigning the processes that occur between procedures[2]. Some research recommends constructing new or specialized areas […]

Mock Operating Rooms The Real-life Blueprint that Every New Operating Room Project NeedsArticle
Mock Operating Rooms: The Real-life Blueprint that Every New Operating Room Project Needs

The old adage “Time is money” is especially true when it comes to construction projects. From skyscrapers to home improvement projects, any set back can start a chain reaction of delays. And every delay costs time, which means they can also be very expensive. The same is true for integrated operating room projects; Regardless of […]

How Digitalization Both Helps and Hinders Patient CommunicationArticle
How Digitalization Both Helps and Hinders Patient Communication

The most precious resource in the course of medical treatment is the doctor’s time. This resource, however, is becoming increasingly scarce due to the influx of amounts of data and the increasing effort required to document cases. This focus on data and documentation leaves less and less room for the empathic communication with the patient. […]

How to Ensure You Get the Most out of Your O.R. TechnologyArticle
How to Ensure You Get the Most out of Your O.R. Technology

When a hospital builds a digitally integrated operating room, the potential to improve treatments and outcomes for patients through technology is enormous. That potential, however, can only be used to its fullest if all team members are fully trained and comfortable using these devices and software. So how do you ensure that your O.R. team […]

Top 5 Things to Consider Before Integrating Your Operating RoomsArticle
Top 5 Things to Consider Before Integrating Your Operating Rooms

You know the scenario: Your department was given the green light to pursue new digital health technology or room enhancement, you’ve spent countless resources planning and thousands of dollars (maybe even gone over-budget) getting the implementation just right. Then it goes live, doesn’t meet expectations, and people are looking for someone to blame. O.R. integration […]

Saving Time, Money and the Sanity of your Healthcare IT Team with VirtualizationArticle
Saving Time, Money and the Sanity of your Healthcare IT Team with Virtualization

As medical technology has been advancing at a rapid pace, Healthcare IT (HIT) has faced an increasingly growing demand for integration of computers hosting medical software. While this also introduces a regulatory aspect that I will analyze in a future post, I want to focus here on the integration of medical software and its impact […]

Hybrid O.R., Integrated O.R., Digital O.R. The Differences (and Similarities)Article
Hybrid O.R., Integrated O.R., Digital O.R.: The Differences (and Similarities) of these Types of Operating Rooms

It seems that nowadays there are hundreds of buzz words to describe technologically advanced operating rooms but very few solid answers about what they all mean. Just talking about how we were going to write this post lead to a number of heated discussions within our team about the right way to define these terms!

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