Elements Fibertracking for Functional NeurosurgeryMatterthat matters

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Elements Fibertracking for Functional Neurosurgery brings research grade constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD)-based probabilistic tractography into clinical practice.1 Equipped with both probabilistic1 and deterministic tracking algorithms, the software seamlessly integrates state-of-the-art technology with a well-established and proven methodology.

Fibertracking for Functional Neurosurgery
Fibertracking visualization highlighting ease of use with customizable templates
Fiber tract visualization representing seamless integration


By accurately mapping critical neural pathways, surgeons are empowered to precisely place electrodes. The software enables sophisticated risk assessment of treatment strategies with the goal to improve therapeutic outcomes by safeguarding cognitive and motor function during procedures like deep brain stimulation (DBS).

Elements scaled background

Pathways of significance

Your road map to the brain starts here

Brainlab Elements Surgery Background

Precision & control for
accurate trajectory planning

Brainlab Functional Neurosurgery planning solutions offer the precision and control needed for highly accurate and convenient trajectory planning.

CSD-based probabilistic fibertracking1

Our new CSD-based probabilistic Elements Fibertracking software optimizes surgical planning precision
by accurately mapping critical neural pathways, ensuring effective trajectory planning for procedures like
DBS while preserving cognitive and motor functions. A personalized approach accounts for individual white
matter anatomy and connectivity, supporting tailored surgical strategies and prediction of patient outcomes.

Enhanced sensitivity to crossing, kissing & bending fibers

CSD-based tractography resolves crossing, kissing and bending fibers within a voxel, capturing a more detailed white matter construct. This sensitivity enables surgeons to accurately trace complex fiber pathways, enhancing understanding of brain connectivity, especially in regions with high fiber complexity.

Visualization of complex brain fiber pathways using CSD-based tractography

High resolution & accuracy

CSD-based probabilistic tractography offers high resolution and accuracy, capturing intricate neural pathways and overlapping and intermingling fiber populations. The software delivers low ambiguity and high accuracies, enabling precise delineation of complex fiber bundles and connectivity patterns in the brain.

High-resolution probabilistic tractography image showing intricate neural pathways - Fibertracking

Robust response to pathological changes

CSD-based tractography reduces inaccuracies caused by partial volume effects and pathology. By modeling fiber orientation distribution, CSD-based tractography provides reliable results, aiding in identifying subtle white matter abnormalities and guiding treatment planning in neurological disorders.

Brain tractography showing detailed neural pathways and tumor visualization.

Use cases in functional neurosurgery

Elements Fibertracking provides surgeons with the information they need to make more informed decisions.

Inform DBS targeting & refine stimulation parameters

By visualizing relevant tracts such as the DRT and CST, which are associated with specific clinical benefits or side effects, Elements Fibertracking supports the targeting accuracy of DBS, ultimately improving treatment outcomes for patients.

Brain imaging showing DBS targeting with fiber tracking for precise stimulation.

Support decision making in epilepsy surgery planning

By visualizing neural pathways such as the cortical spinal tract, optic radiation, or arcuate fasciculus, Elements Fibertracking aids in minimizing damage to these critical white matter tracts while maximizing the effectiveness of resection strategies. This improves seizure management and quality of life for epilepsy patients. Elements Fibertracking enables sophisticated risk assessment of treatment strategies for cranial resection surgery. This software supports the prediction of patient outcomes by assessing the relationship between lesion and adjacent white matter tracts.2

3D brain visualization highlighting neural pathways for epilepsy surgery planning.

Get to the heart of the matter with Elements Fibertracking for functional neurosurgery

More information about Brainlab Functional
Neurosurgery solutions

Image showcasing blue and pink waves and tubes illustrating Brainlab's Functional Neurosurgery Solutions

Deep Brain Stimulation Solutions

Our deep brain stimulation software solutions are designed to help clinical teams throughout the entire patient treatment process by providing advanced 3D visualization of patient anatomy.

Image featuring multiple blue and pink waves and tubes, illustrating Brainlab's Functional Neurosurgery Solutions

Drug-Resistant Epilepsy Solutions

Our epilepsy solutions bridge the gaps between hypothesis formulation, advanced SEEG planning, electrophysiology information and the navigation of surgical platforms for the streamlined treatment execution and communication between clinical teams.

Teaser image: functional neurosurgery planning solutions

Planning Solutions

Our functional neurosurgery planning solutions are comprised of advanced, research-grade software applications and networked hardware solutions that offer the precision and control needed for accurate and convenient trajectory planning.

  1. Not yet commercially available in several countries. Please contact your sales representative.

  2. Moiyadi et al. (2023): World Neurosurgery, DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2023.09.041: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3521255/